When I came across this challenge, found here at Book Geek 2.0, I knew I had to sign up. Stephen King is probably my favorite author. I've certainly read more of his works than any other author. It doesn't hurt that he is amazingly prolific--check out this list of his works
here! The Dark Tower series is my favorite fantasy series of all time, and The Stand is in my top five list of Best Books Ever. I don't think I have much more to go in order to catch up, but by the time I do he will probably have published ten more, so it's a good thing this is a perpetual challenge.
My plan is to read the King I've missed and then re-read the rest. I will review all the books I read and post the links here. I have already reviewed some King in the last few years, and I will link to those reviews as well. Duma Key and Cell should be on here soon!
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