Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Outsiders--S.E. Hinton

Genre: Young Adult

Year Published: 1967
Pages: 160
Rating: 5

In this timeless novel, the narrator, Ponyboy Curtis, relates the events that happened to him in a short period time yet changed his life forever. An orphan, Ponyboy lives with his two older brothers, and is closely surrounded by his "greaser" gang friends, who take care of one another like family. Therefore, when he is attacked by a rival group, his close friend doesn't hesitate to save his life. This sets forth a series of life-altering events that leave Ponyboy older and wiser, yes, but still gold.

This book is an all-time favorite of mine, first read in middle school and re-read countless times. The themes of family, heroism, and "us versus them" are timeless and universal, and I marvel that such well-developed characters were created by a highschool student. I am teaching this in a high school literature class right now--thus the re-read.

Book-a-week # 44
Read it Again Challenge

1 comment:

Mari said...

One of my absolute favorite books.
The first line of the book is the best!